Thursday, October 25, 2007

43 Things I might do this year

I found the article "43 Things I Might Do This Year" to be a little inspiring. I am a big list maker and am a bit of a procrastinator and so, naturally, setting goals and writing them down on paper holds me more accountable to achieving those goals. Actually accomplishing 43 new things in one year sounds very ambitious, but in a good kind of way. Setting a goal and writing it down also reminds me of what needs to get done, whether it be daily chores or learning a new musical instrument. As for the more challenging and intimidating goals, seeing them on paper does strike up a little bit of fear in me, but it also inspires me to accomplish them which means I can add another check mark to my list.


dulcigal said...

Welcome to the blog world! What a wonderful blog title. I enjoyed reading your opening thoughts. I'm with you, a list of my goals is an 'accountability tool'. The simple act of writing them down somehow makes it more likely I'll accomplish something. Celebrate check marks!

Kim Doyle said...

This may be the funniest blog name.

Amanda Arr said...

I agree! I enjoy list making, for it keeps me motivated to get out and do things I might not do otherwise (whether it's cleaning my room or reading a particular book). It feels great to check something off the list.

westie_servant said...

Are your chickens named?
What kind of chickens do you have?
We have Frizzles, Americanas,
Lakenvelders, Bardrocks, Buff Orpingtons, Polish and Rhode Island Reds. This year we had a Bear, a Bobcat, a Weasel and more racoons and coyotes than I can count. We lost about 12 of our chickens, it was a very sad time at Animal Lover's house. Check me out at:
Let's see some photos of your girls. Do you have any boys?